Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You obtain the list of font family names by calling the getAvailableFontFamilyNames() method for
the GraphicsEnvironment object. The fontList variable needs to be accessible in the method that handles
events for the list, so this is another data member of the FontDialog class:
private JList<String> fontList;
// Font list
A JList<> component doesn't support scrolling directly, but it is scrolling “aware." To get a scrollable
list with scrollbars, you just pass the JList<> object to the JScrollPane constructor. A JScrollPane object
creates a pane with scrollbars — either vertical, horizontal, or both — as necessary — for whatever it con-
tains. You set a minimum size for the JScrollPane object to limit how small it can be made in the split pane
into which you insert it in a moment. Note how easy it is to get the mouse wheel supported for scrolling here.
You just call the setWheelScrollingEnabled( ) method for the scroll pane with the argument as true , and
it's done. You don't really need it here, but just because you can, you set a tooltip for the fontList object.
Any component can have a tooltip set.
Working with JList<T> Components
You can create a JList<> object by passing an array or a Vector<> object that contains the objects you
want in the list to the constructor. The fontNames array holds String objects, but you can create a JList<>
object for any kind of object, including images, for example. It is possible to allow multiple entries from a
list to be selected. Calling setSelectionMode() with the argument SINGLE_SELECTION ensures that only
one font name can be selected.
You have two multiple selection modes that you can enable for a JList<> object. Passing the value
SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION to the setSelectionMode() method allows a series of consecutive items
to be selected. Passing MULTIPLE_SELECTION_INTERVAL provides you with total flexibility and allows any
number of items anywhere to be selected. The initial selection in the list is set by the setSelectedValue()
call. You pass the name for the current font as the argument specifying the initial selection. There is a com-
plementary method, getSelectedValue() , that you use in the event handler.
Handling JList<T> Component Events
There's a special kind of listener for JList<> selection events that is an object of a class type that imple-
ments the javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener interface. You set the FontDialog object as the
listener for the list in the call to the addListSelectionListener() method, so you had better make sure
the FontDialog class implements the interface:
class FontDialog extends JDialog
implements ActionListener,
// For buttons etc.
ListSelectionListener {
// For list box
There's only one method in the ListSelectionListener interface, and you can implement it in the
FontDialog class like this:
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