Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 8
Final model for the testing ring represented in Solid Works
Fig. 9 Front view of the
testing ring showing the
possible leakage spots and the
arrangement for the inlets
that goes into the inlets of both sensors. Without them, one sensor could be pulling
more gas through it than the other one, which could result in an incorrect detection
of the leakage spot (Fig. 11 ).
The sensing ring features two sensing outlets and a balancing inlet connected to a
pump. Flows from the sensing outlets pass through control valves to ensure equality
of flow rate to each sensing branch. The test arrangement was such that the colon
analogue and its leak hole could be rotated relative to the sensing ring. By measuring
the relative response of the two sensors in relation to the different hole positions it
was hoped that not only could the presence of a leak be detected but an indication
of its position around the colon could be estimated.
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