Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Regions at a Glance
Most first-time travellers to Mongolia spend a day or two in the capital
Ulaanbaatar before setting off for the countryside. The most popular des-
tination is the iconic Gobi; a trip here usually loops in part of central Mon-
golia as it's fairly easy to combine the two regions. Northern Mongolia,
specifically Lake Khövsgöl, is the second most popular destination. All
three of these areas have built up a solid tourist infrastructure, with lots of
ger camps along established routes.
Western Mongolia sees fewer visitors, largely because of its great distance from Ulaan-
baatar and the cost of getting a flight there. However, the west does offer some spectacular
scenery and is a great place for the adventurous. The east is Mongolia's least-known and
least-visited region (only 3% of tourists head this way), a blessing for explorers wanting
an off-the-beaten-path experience.
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