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Proposition 1. Let ua
Pref ( T Σ ) .
⇐⇒ ∃C
C )
C ∈
LSafe ( ua )
Safe ( u ) ,
C ∈
Pred a (
C )
C ∈
Safe ( ua )
⇐⇒ ∀
H Σ ,
LSafe ( ua ) ,
C ∈
Pred h (
However, to get an algorithm, we face the problem that the number of hedges
to consider in Equivalence (4) is infinite. We use relations to overcome this.
Alsothesizeof Safe ( u ) may be huge and not all configurations of Safe ( u )are
crucial for checking right-universality w.r.t. u . We use antichains to get a compact
representation of Safe ( u ). These two concepts are explained in the following
4 An Antichain-Based Algorithm for Right-Universality
In this section, we give an antichain-based algorithm for incrementally checking
right-universality of a VPA, that uses the approach given in Sections 3.2-3.4.
Let us summarize this approach. Let [ t 0 ] be the linearization of a given tree
t 0 . We initialize a stack
with set Init defined in (2) and we start by computing
Safe ( u ) with u being the first letter of [ t 0 ] (see (1)). Suppose that Safe ( u )has
been computed from the current read prefix u of [ t 0 ]. Then, if the next letter
read in [ t 0 ]is a
Σ , we compute Safe ( ua )from Safe ( u ) by Steps 1 and 2, and we
put Safe ( u )onthestack
. If the next letter read in [ t 0 ]is a
Σ ,thenwepop
. The element that has been popped is the set Safe ( u )= Safe ( ua )
where u is the unique prefix of u such that u = u a [ h ] (except if ua = t 0 in
which case the popped set is equal to Init = Safe ( ua )), see Section 3.3. At each
computation of Safe ( u ), we check whether Reach ( u )
the stack
Safe ( u )(seeTheorem1).
4.1 Finite Number of Hedges
We begin by showing that only a finite number of hedges has to be considered
in Equivalence (4). The reason is that a hedge h does not change the stack of
a configuration during a run of a VPA, that is ( q,σ )
[ h ]
( q ). So h can be
considered as a function mapping each state q to the set of states obtained when
traversing h from q . Formally, for every h
H Σ , rel h is the function from Q
rel h ( q )iff( q,σ ) [ h ]
to 2 Q such that q
( q )forsome σ
Γ .Thenumber
2 |Q| . These functions naturally
define an equivalence relation of finite index over H Σ :
of such functions is finite, and bounded by
h ⇐⇒
rel h = rel h .
Let us note H for a subset containing one hedge per
-class. We have
2 |Q| . The next lemma indicates that the computation of h -predecessors can
be limited to h
H .
Lemma 2. For every h
C iff there exists h
H Σ ,
is a h -predecessor of
h , such that
is a h -predecessor of
C .
with h
The set H can be computed by a saturation method based on the VPA rules.
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