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3.2 Starting Point
We begin with Safe ( a ) with a ∈ Σ , for which we recall the definition.
:( q,σ ) ha
Γ |∀
Safe ( a )=
{C ⊆
H Σ ,
q f
Q f ,
( q,σ )
( q f , )
3.3 Reading a Letter a ∈ Σ
Suppose that we are reading an a ∈ Σ andwehavetocompute Safe ( ua ). Two
cases occur : either ua
=[ t 0 ], or ua =[ t 0 ]. Let us study these two cases and
show how to manage them from an algorithmic point of view.
If ua
=[ t 0 ], we can retrieve safe sets configurations from prior computed
such sets: Safe ( ua )= Safe ( u )where u
= is the unique prefix of u such
that u = u a [ h ], with h
H Σ . Indeed as shown by Lemma 1 below, we have
Safe ( u a [ h ] a )= Safe ( u ). Hence, from an algorithmic point of view, we just have
to use a stack
to store these safe sets of configurations. When opening a ,we
put Safe ( u )onthestack,andwhenclosing a ,wepopit.As h is a hedge, the
stack before reading a is exactly the stack after reading a .
Lemma 1. If h
H Σ , then Safe ( u [ h ]) = Safe ( u ) and LSafe ( u [ h ]) = LSafe ( u ) .
If ua =[ t 0 ], the previous argument is no longer correct since u = and
Safe ( u ) is not defined for the empty word. Nevertheless, by definition Safe ( ua )=
{C ⊆
Γ |∃
( q, )
∈ C
with q
Q f }
. Therefore we can again use stack
described before if it is initialized with the set
Γ |∃
Init =
{C ⊆
( q , )
∈ C
with q
Q f }
3.4 Reading a Letter a ∈ Σ
Let us now consider the much more involved case of sets Safe ( ua ) with a
Σ .
When reading an a
Σ , two successive steps are performed, with leaf-safe sets
of configurations as intermediate object:
Step 1
Step 2
Safe ( u )
LSafe ( ua )
Safe ( ua )
C be two
For this purpose, we introduce the notion of predecessor .Let
sets of configurations, let a
Σ and h
H Σ .
, ( q,σ ) a
C if
( q )
∈ C ,
( q ).
is an a -predecessor of
( q,σ )
∈ C
, ( q,σ ) [ h ]
C if
( q )
∈ C ,
( q ).
is a h -predecessor of
( q,σ )
∈ C
C )=
C }
C )=
Let Pred a (
{C | C
is an a -predecessor of
and Pred h (
{C |
C }
The next proposition can be used to perform Step 1 and Step 2. It states
that safe sets of configurations are only among predecessors of prior safe sets of
is a h -predecessor of
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