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of configurations related to u . We show how safe sets of configurations can be
defined from such sets associated to smaller prefixes u of [ t 0 ]. This property will
be useful to derive an incremental algorithm for checking right-universality of
3.1 A Notion of Safety for Right-Universality
Γ be a non empty set of config-
Definition 3. Let
be a VPA and
C ⊆
urations. Let u
Pref ( T Σ )
be a non empty prefix of t 0 .
is safe for u if for every v such that uv
[ T Σ ] ,thereexist ( q,σ )
∈ C
Q f such that ( q,σ ) v
( p, ) in
is leaf-safe for u if for every v = av with a
Σ such that uv
[ T Σ ] ,there
Q f such that ( q,σ ) v
. 4
exist ( q,σ )
∈ C
and p
( p, ) in
Let Safe ( u )=
{C | C
is safe for u
and LSafe ( u )=
{C | C
is leaf-safe for u
Intuitively, as stated in Theorem 1 below, if
is the set of configurations
reached in
after reading u ,then
is right-universal w.r.t. u iff
is safe for u .
Indeed, for every possible v , one can find in
at least one configuration leading
to an accepting configuration after reading v . Before stating this theorem, let
us give the next definition. Let Reach ( u ) denote the set of configurations ( q,σ )
such that ( q 0 0 ) u
( q,σ ) for some initial configuration ( q 0 0 )of
Theorem 1.
is right-universal w.r.t. u iff Reach ( u )
Safe ( u ) .
Let us illustrate this on the VPA A depicted in Figure 2a. Recall that this
VPA checks that the tree has a g -node with an f -child. After opening a g -root,
the set of safe configurations is Safe ( g )= {{ ( q 2 1 ) },{ ( q 2 0 ) }} , which does
not contain the set of reached configurations, as Reach ( g )=
( q 1 0 )
. Indeed,
is not right-universal w.r.t. g ,asno f -node has been encountered yet un-
der a g -node. For the word gf , as expected, the situation differs: Safe ( gf )=
( q 2 1 γ 0 )
( q 2 0 γ 0 )
,and Reach ( gf )=
( q 2 0 γ 0 )
is a safe set of config-
urations. By Theorem 1,
is right-universal w.r.t. gf .
Hence, an algorithm computing both Reach ( u )and Safe ( u ) can decide right-
universality w.r.t. u .Theset Reach ( u ) is easy to compute, just by firing tran-
sitions of the VPA. In Sections 3.2-3.4, we detail how the set Safe ( u )canbe
defined from the set Safe ( u ) with u a proper prefix of u .Inthisway,while
reading the linearization [ t 0 ]ofagiventree t 0 ,theset Safe ( u ) with u
= prefix
of [ t 0 ], can be incrementally defined. In Section 4, we turn this approach into an
4 The name “leaf-safe” comes from the fact that we only consider suxes starting
with a Σ symbol, and thus continuations of the tree that do not add children to the
current node.
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