Information Technology Reference
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e-acsl keyword Its semantics
\base_addr (p) the base address of the block containing pointer p
\block_length (p) the size (in bytes) of the block containing pointer p
\offset (p)
the offset (in bytes) of p in its block (i.e., w.r.t. \base_addr (p) )
is true iff reading * p is safe
\valid_read (p)
here p must be a
non-void pointer
is true iff reading and writing * p is safe
\valid (p)
\initialized (p) is true iff * p has been initialized
Fig. 1. Memory-related e-acsl constructs currently supported by e-acsl2c
2 Executable Specifications Require Memory Monitoring
The executable specification language e-acsl [6, 9] was designed to support
runtime assertion checking in Frama-C. Frama-C [5] is a platform dedicated
to analysis of C programs that includes various analyzers, such as abstract in-
terpretation based value analysis (Value plug-in), dependency analysis, pro-
gram slicing, jessie and wp plug-ins for proof of programs, etc. acsl [10] is a
behavioral specification language shared by different Frama-C analyzers that
takes the best of the specification languages of earlier tools Caveat [11] and
Caduceus [12], themselves inspired by JML [13].
acsl is expressive enough to express most functional properties of C pro-
grams and has already been used in many projects, including large-scale indus-
trial ones [5]. It is based on a typed first-order logic in which terms may contain
pure ( i.e. side-effect free) C expressions and special keywords. An Eiffel-like
contract [14] may be associated to each function in order to specify its pre- and
postconditions. The contract can be split into several named guarded behaviors.
Contracts may also be associated to statements, as well as assertions, loop invari-
ants and loop variants. acsl annotations also include definitions of (inductive)
predicates, axiomatics, lemmas, logic functions, data invariants and ghost code.
Designed as a large subset of acsl, e-acsl preserves acsl semantics. More-
over, the e-acsl language is executable : its annotations can be translated into
C monitors by e-acsl2c and executed at runtime. This makes it suitable for
runtime assertion checking. Fig. 1 presents some memory-related e-acsl an-
notations. We use the term (memory) block for any (statically, dynamically or
automatically) allocated object. A block is characterized by its size and its base
address, that is, the address of its first byte.
Fig. 2 shows a simple C function findchr with an acsl contract (that is also an
e-acsl contract) enclosed into @ -comments. Given a character c and a pointer
s to an array of n characters, findchr returns a pointer to an occurrence of c in
the array, and NULL otherwise. It is very similar to the C standard memchr function
(basically, our contract does not require to find the first occurrence of c ). The
contract contains two behaviors (lines 2-6, 7-9) with a common precondition
(line 1). The precondition states that s must refer to a valid readable location
with at least n characters to the right of s . The first behavior found is defined by
the assumes clause line 3. Whenever the assumes condition is satisfied, the behav-
ior's postconditions (lines 4-6) must be ensured. They state that the returned
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