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1 / * @ requires \valid_read (s) && \offset (s)+n <= \block_length (s);
@ behavior found:
assumes \exists int i;0<=i<n&&s[i] == c;
ensures \base_addr (s) == \base_addr ( \result );
ensures \offset (s) <= \offset ( \result )< \offset (s)+n;
ensures * \result == c;
@ behavior not_found:
assumes \forall int i; 0 <= i < n ==> s[i] != c;
ensures \result == \null ;
10 @ * /
11 char * findchr( char * s, char c, unsigned int n) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (s[i] == c)
return s+i; // found, returns the pointer
return ( void * )0; // not found, returns NULL
17 }
Fig. 2. Function findchr specified with an e-acsl contract
value (keyword \result ) must refer to the same block as s (line 4), to one of the
n characters starting from * s (line 5), and the referred character must be equal
to c (line 6). Similarly, the second behavior states that the null pointer must be
returned (line 9) whenever c in not present in the array (line 8).
Translation into C of basic e-acsl features (including overflow-free arithmetic
operations for integers, behaviors, quantifications over finite sets, some special
keywords, values at the Pre, Post or any labeled state, etc.) was described in [6].
However, runtime assertion checking of e-acsl specifications involving memory-
related constructs of Fig. 1 is particularly complex. Languages with pointers,
such as C or C++, do not allow the developer to easily check for pointer va-
lidity. The developer is supposed to know when a pointer is valid or not. For
example, even when the size of an input array a is provided in a function sig-
nature int f( int a[10]) , it is ignored according to the ISO C 99 norm [15, Sec.]. In other words, this declaration is equivalent to int f( int * a) ,sothe
array size is lost. At runtime, sizeof (a) inside f returns the size of a pointer, and
nothing guarantees that a really refers to an array with 10 elements. Runtime
checking of memory-related e-acsl annotations can be realized using systematic
monitoring of memory operations as shown in the next section.
3 Memory Monitoring for e-acsl : An Overview
Runtime assertion checking of e-acsl specifications is based on a non-invasive
source code instrumentation by e-acsl2c. In order to evaluate memory-related
e-acsl annotations (Fig. 1), we record information on validity and initializa-
tion of memory locations during program execution in a dedicated data store,
that we call below the store. We have developed a memory monitoring library
that provides primitives for both evaluating memory-related e-acsl annotations
(by making queries to the store) and recording in the store all necessary data
on allocation, deallocation and initialization of memory blocks. Thus e-acsl2c
inserts calls to library primitives for two purposes:
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