HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Some types of audio i les are more likely than others to have a wide range of codecs. h e
following snippet shows typical codecs for all the HTML5 sound i les that can be read by
HTML5 browsers:
< audio controls >
< source src = ”sound.ogg” type = ”audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis” >
< source src = ”jazz.mp3” type = ”audio/mpeg; codecs=mp3” >
< source src = ”Shadows.wav” type = ”audio/wav; codecs=wav” >
</ audio >
h e above snippet does not show all possible codecs of all audio types. However, it represents
the typical kinds of codes used in Internet audio.
Both Windows 7 and Macintosh OS X include programs that you can use to create your own
audio i les. h ey come loaded on your computer, and unless you removed them, you should
be all set to get started making sound recordings.
Earlier versions of Windows also have a Sound Recorder application, but it looks dif erent
from the one used in the example. Also, the Sound Recorder that is part of Windows XP saves
i les to .wav format, so they're all ready for a Web page. However, the newer version of Sound
Recorder that ships with Windows 7 only saves i les in .wma format and must be converted to
a i le type recognized by HTML5 browsers.
h e i rst thing you want to do when you make a recording is to set up some kind of micro-
phone for the recording. Most computers that run Windows 7 have built-in microphones, and
you can use those. Otherwise, you'll need to plug in the microphone you plan to use and
make sure it's properly coni gured. Usually, your computer can i nd the audio drivers you
need, but some microphones come with sot ware drivers that you need to install. Directions
for such installations will come with the microphone.
To select a microphone, use the following path: Control Panel > Hardware and Sound >
Manage Audio Devices. When the Sound window opens, select the Recording tab. You'll see
the selections shown in Figure 10-2.
Your recording selections may be dif erent, but in general you'll either have a line-in or a
built-in microphone. When you make a selection, click OK, and you're now ready to open the
Sound Recorder application.
From the Start menu, select All Programs > Accessories > Sound Recorder. (If you're running
Windows XP, choose All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder.) Figure
10-3 shows what the Sound Recorder looks like when it's ready to record (top) and while it's
recording (bottom).
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