Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
MDX query syntax
To make querying an ASO database more relational and SQL like, you can actually
write your queries like you would in a relational database using SQL.
Looking at the following examples, you can see that the SELECT statement is almost
identical to that of a query written in SQL. Because the data is stored similarly, the
query language is similar. That way, you won't forget when you're querying an
Essbase BSO database or an Essbase ASO database.
Typical MDX query structure:
SELECT [<member_name>,[ <member_name>]]
FROM [<Essbase_database_name>]]
WHERE [<dimension_name.member_name>
[, <dimension_name.member_name>]]
SELECT Sales,Stocks
WHERE Calendar Periods.June, Model Year.2010
Typical SQL Query Structure
SELECT column_name>[, <column_name>...]
FROM table_name
WHERE value = value [and value = value]
SELECT Sales, Stocks
WHERE Month = June and ModelYear = 2010
Well, this should put you in a good place for querying an ASO database. The Essbase
Technical Reference included and installed with the EAS on your client PC contains all
of the information you need on the actual query functions and member set functions.
As with everything else in this topic, the only way you will get proicient is to play
around in the database.
Executing an MDX query
Now, here is a question that is begging to be asked. How do we execute an
MDX query?
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