Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all children of the Calendar Periods
member, but no data for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension too. We did this to show
you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own children
and want only to return its children.
Keep in mind that Essbase will do exactly as you instruct it to do. When you say to
return the children of the Calendar Periods dimension, you will get the Quarter
values. Other dimensions not mentioned will be at the highest level unless specified.
<ICHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all of the children of the Calendar Periods
member and for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice that here too we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension as well. We did this to
show you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own
children and want to return those children and their parent.
Format commands
The format commands tell Essbase how your report output will look. Unless
otherwise specified in the command itself, these commands can be used multiple
times in a script, and will only affect the rows of data returned by other commands
that are written after the format commands in the script.
There are many more of these formatting commands available to you. Some have
almost overlapping abilities, so they can be somewhat confusing. If you are using
your report script to extract data for a flat file, you will not need too many of these
formatting commands. If you are trying to create really fancy looking reports, you
will need plenty of practice and patience.
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