Digital Signal Processing Reference
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(name, brand name for special cases like petrol stations, complete address).
The geographic part of the database includes streets, places, municipalities,
provinces and countries, organized in a hierarchical structure in such a way
that every lower order entry is contained in one higher order entry (each place
is contained in one municipality, which is contained in one province). These
geographic entries are linked with the tourist part of the database using
special codes to easily identify the position of each hotel and each POI in the
geographic hierarchy and to quickly respond to conditional queries (such as
I ' m looking for a hotel X in the municipality Y ” ). Both tourist and
geographic data have been geocoded, their entries contain information on
position coordinates to allow the introduction of a navigation system in the
The API developed to access the database is able to check the addresses
for consistency and uniqueness. When it receives an address as a 5-element
object (province, municipality, place, street, street number), it automatically
checks whether there are zero, one or more than one correspondence in the
database. In the first case, which means that the system is receiving an
inconsistent request from the user, it incrementally drops elements and tries to
redo the query with fewer restrictions until it finds at least one item. In this
way the API is able to return to CWW a suggestion on what may be the
wrong element in the query. This will be returned to the Dialog Manager that
will take an opportune action with the user.
Foreseen improvements of the database content include:
insertion of phonetic transcription for names and insertion of multiple
names. The database will contain phonetic transcriptions in three
languages in order to let the system dynamically build speech recognition
grammars. Moreover, it will have multiple names of hotels, POIs and
streets, to deal with the problem of users that say only a part of the name
or that use different names for the same POI.
insertion of descriptive information on POI. This information will be
structured in different levels of detail. Starting from a general description
of the POI, the user will be given the possibility to obtain more specific
information. For example, in the case of a castle, the first description
could be a general single sentence on the castle that offers the user the
possibility to ask for the history, the art or the architecture of the building.
These topics correspond in the database to more specific descriptions that
in turn will lead to even more detailed ones, such as the construction of the
castle, its middle age history, its modern day history. In this way the user
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