Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
In order to have a flexible and standard formalism to exchange the data
between CWW and DM, all the queries and responses are wrapped in an
XML format. It has been decided to define two XSDs, one for the data going
to the CWW and another for the data returning back to the DM. XSDs can be
seen as grammars defining the format of XML files by putting some
restrictions on the structure of the files and on the values contained. Using
such a formalism, it comes easy to discover errors and missing data in both
the structure and the content of the requests. This leads to an efficient error
handling that avoids wrong calls to the database's API [13].
Typical data retrieval tasks fulfilled by the currently implemented CWW
Hotel Information Retrieval: Given some constraints, all the suitable
hotels of a certain area are returned, each one with all the information
available (prices for single/double room, phone number, stars, full
address, available services, parking and restaurant inside).
Hotel and Restaurant Reservation: Once a hotel has been identified,
rooms can be reserved for a certain number of days. A reservation can
be done even for the restaurant, if the hotel has one inside. Reservations
are simulated at the moment since a real Internet connection with the
Hotels is not yet available.
Point Of Interest (POI) Retrieval: Given a POI type (i.e. petrol station,
museum, etc.) and specified a certain area, all the matching POIs present
are returned, each one with all the information available (currently the
full address).
Simple Route Query: This query is the fundamental query for the route
planning. A given address (even incomplete) is checked for its existence.
Possible inconsistencies and ambiguities are reported to the DM in order
to take a suitable action and interrogate the user.
Databases and API
The data used by the Dialog Manager may come from static or dynamic
databases. Static data needed during the interaction are stored in a MySQL
database installed in the in-car PC. This database includes information on
hotels (name, hotel type, hotel chain, stars, number of rooms, prices, phone
number, services offered, complete address, hotel surroundings) and on POIs
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