Geography Reference
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India' s movie industry located in Mumbai
Chipko Movement A grass roots, women' s movement to save
trees in the Indian Himalayas.
Christianity A monotheistic faith proclaiming the idea of a
single deity , God, and Jesus Christ, the manifestation of God
on Earth.
Cilao Portuguese name for Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Cinchona Source of quinine extracted from tree bark; it was
the only treatment for malaria in historic times.
Circular migrant A person who lives and works in the city for
part of the year and spends the remainder of the year in his or
her village.
Civil line British civilian district socially and spatially sepa-
rated from Indian society .
Cloud forests In the Himalayas, forests existing in fog
and mist at elevations between 8,000 and 13,000 feet
(2,400-39,000 m).
Cochin China A colony in southern Vietnam. One of the five
territories of France' s Indochinese Union.
Collectivization The end to land ownership in China as
instituted by Mao Zedong in 1950. Land was worked
collectively .
Colonizers' model The idea that civilization and progress dif-
fuse from Europe to the rest of a culturally barren world.
Commoditization The division of a particular market into
two sectors: big-name brand marketing and sales, and hun-
dreds of no-name component suppliers. The garnering of the
no-name component sector is known as the Original Equip-
ment Manufacture market.
Confucius A Chinese teacher of ethics, ritual, and philosophy .
Congress of Vienna 1815 A meeting at which European
boundaries were defined and Europe was demarcated from
Asia by the Ural Mountains, through the Caspian and Black
seas, and along the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea to
the African continent.
Congress Party The Indian National Congress was formed in
1865 to provide a forum for nationalist sentiments. The Con-
gress Party was run by brahmin Hindus.
Continentality The size of a landmass.
Continental drift A process that took place millions of years
ago in which a continent known as Pangaea broke into pieces
forming separate continents.
Convectional rainfall A feature of equatorial regions in
which precipitation is brought about by the immediate rising,
cooling, and condensing of moisture-laden air.
Coral reefs Biological entities formed in seawater by small
marine animals living in symbiotic relationships with algae.
Coral reefs occur along continental shelves and around
Coral Triangle “Amazon of the Sea.” Extensive region of
coral reefs that fringes six countries in Asia.
Core-periphery The concept that there are powerful core re-
gions of development surrounded by less powerful regions of
lesser development. The core-periphery concept is applicable
in any context and at any scale.
Brahman In Hinduism, the one ultimate reality .
Brahmins Hindu priests in India' s ancient social hierarchy . In
most recent times, any one of this class.
Brain drain The process of educated people in many poor
countries leaving for jobs in richer countries.
Bride price Payment made by the groom' s family to the
bride' s family to compensate for loss of labor and fertility by
the bride' s kin group.
Buddha In Sanskrit, the enlightened one. The name of Sid-
dhartha Gautama upon his enlightenment.
Buffer state A country situated between two other opposing
countries. Nepal and Bhutan are buffer states.
Means “sons of the soil.” The Malay peoples of
Bungalow A low-lying, thick-walled, one-story house found
in the hill stations of northern India.
Burakumin Social outcasts in Japan.
Burghers Descendants of Portuguese or Dutch in Sri Lanka.
Buttresses Giant, supportive blade-like structures of a shallow-
rooted tree.
Canopy The upper layer of the rain forest. The forest' s biomass.
Cao Dai Vietnamese word meaning “high tower.” A Viet-
namese religion that is a mixture of Buddhism, Christianity ,
Confucianism, and Daoism.
Carbon offset programs Governments agree to invest in
actions and projects that will reduce or even eliminate
greenhouse-gas emissions.
Cardamom A highly valued spice commonly used in South
Asian cuisine.
Caste system The division of Hindu society according to so-
cial ranking and occupation.
Castle town In early Japan, a fortified town along a trans-
portation corridor.
Chaebol A giant, corporate conglomerate in South Korea.
Chain migration Where the mover is part of a migrant flow
from a common origin to a prepared destination.
Chars In Bangladesh, the name given to small, sandy islands
formed by rivers as they sway between valley walls.
Chawl Slum in Mumbai (Bombay).
Ch'i The vital force or cosmic breath that gives life to all
things. The most important force of feng shui.
Chiang Kai-shek The leader of the Nationalist forces during
China' s civil war and World War II. Chiang opposed Mao
Zedong and the Communists and was defeated by them in 1949.
He fled to Taiwan in 1949 and ruled the island as the Repub-
lic of China until his death in 1975.
China Frontier The rugged, arid, and sparsely populated en-
vironment of western China.
China Proper The relatively low relief, humid, and densely
populated environment of eastern China.
Chinese Diaspora Dispersal of Chinese from the mainland to
all parts of Southeast Asia.
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