Game Development Reference
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this.velY += this.gravity;
// and the velocity to the position
this.posX += this.velX;
this.posY += this.velY;
this.posZ += this.velZ;
//rotate pos and vel around the centre
As well as x, y, and z position, we also have an x, y, and z velocity. Velocity is how much it moves in each
direction every frame.
First we add gravity to velY (the y velocity). This is part of the simple physics system, and in most
circumstances gravity would be a positive number that gets added to velocity making things fall down. In
our case we're subverting this system by giving gravity a negative value! This makes our fish accelerate
upwards, which makes our game a little harder.
Fish render
This is a pretty scary-looking function, but it's quite simple at its core: it updates the DOM element's style
properties to move, scale, and rotate the fish. It only looks complex because we have to make the strings
that adjust these properties.
this.render = function() {
var dom = this.domElement,
sx = Math.sin(counter*0.4)*0.04 + this.size,
sy = Math.sin(Math.PI + counter*0.4)*0.04 + this.size; = "translate3d("+this.posX+"px, "+this.posY+"px,
"+this.posZ+"px) scale("+sx+","+sy+") rotate("+Math.sin(counter*0.05)*20+"deg)";
The weird looking Math.sin function uses a sine wave to affect the fishes' x and y scale. This makes the
fish wobble and look kinda squishy, like it's swimming through water.
The last line sets the CSS property webkitTransform , and we're adjusting translate3d , which is the 3D
transformation. Then it's scaled in both x and y axis (the wobble). And finally it's rotated in 2D using
another sine value that causes the fish's left and right oscillating rotation.
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