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Using this modification, each instance X i in the original training set TR continues
to maintain a list of its k
1 nearest neighbors in S ,evenafter X i is removed from
S . This means that instances in S have associates that are both in and out of S , while
instances that have been removed from S have no associates.
DROP2 also changes the order of removal of instances. It initially sorts the
instances in S by the distance to their nearest enemy. Instances are then checked
for removal beginning at the instance furthest from its nearest enemy.
-It is a combination of DROP2 and ENN algorithms. DROP3 uses a noise-filtering
pass before sorting the instances in S (Wilson ENN editing). After this, it works
identically to DROP2 .
CPruner [ 173 ]—First it is necessary to introduce some concepts underlying this
Definition 8.1 For an instance X i in TR ,the k nearest neighbors of X i make up its
k-reachability set, denoted as k-reachability ( X i ).
Definition 8.2 For an instance X i in TR , those instances with similar class label to
that of X i , and have X i as one of their nearest neighbors are called the k-coverage
set of X i , denoted as k-coverage ( X i ).
Definition 8.3 For instance X i in TR ,if X i can be classified correctly by k-
reachability ( X i ), then we say X i is implied by k-reachability ( X i ), and X i is a super-
fluous instance in TR .
Definition 8.4 For instance X i in TR , X i is a critical instance, if the following
conditions holds:
At least one instance X j in k-coverage ( X i ) is not implied by k-reachability ( X j ),
After X i is deleted, at least one instance X j in k-coverage ( X i ) is not implied by
k-reachability ( X j ).
Definition 8.5 For instance X i in TR ,if X i is not a superfluous instance and | k-
reachability ( X i )|
| k-coverage ( X i )|, then X i is a noisy instance.
Rule 8.1 Instance pruning rule
For an instance X i in TR , if it can be pruned, it must satisfy one of the following
two conditions:
It is a noisy instance;
It is a superfluous instance, but not a critical one.
Rule 8.2 Rule for deciding the order of instances removal
Let H- k NN( X i ) be the number of the instances of its class in k NN( X i ), and
D-NE( X i ) be the distance of X i to its nearest enemy.
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