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class, even if they are of a different class than X i . The instance is only removed
if its neighbors are at least 60 % sure of their classification. The VSM method
typically uses a fairly large k (i.e., k
Decremental Reduction Optimization Procedure Family (DROP) [ 166 ]In
order to present these reduction techniques, we need to define some concepts.
Each instance X i has k nearest neighbors where k is typically a small odd integer.
X i also has a nearest enemy , which is the nearest instance with a different output
class. Those instances that have x i as one of their k nearest neighbors are called
associates of X i .
-Uses the following basic rule to decide if it is safe to remove an instance from the
instance set S (where S = TR originally):
Remove X i if at least as many of its associates in S would be classified correctly
without X i .
The algorithm DROP1 proceeds as follows.
DROP1 (Training set TR ): Selection set S .
Let S
TR .
For each instance X i in S :
Find the k
1 nearest neighbors of X i in S .
Add X i to each of its lists of associates.
For each instance X i in S :
Let w
# of associates of X i classified
correctly with X i as a neighbor.
Let w
# of associates of X i classified
correctly without X i .
If w
Remove X i from S .
For each associate a of X i
Remove X i from a 's list of neighbors.
Find a new nearest neighbor for a .
Add a to its new list of associates.
For each neighbor b of X i
Remove X i from b 's lists of associates.
Return S .
-In this method, the removal criterion can be restated as:
Remove X i if at least as many of its associates in TR would be classified correctly
without X i .
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