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A feasible solution of the PRIVATE-PARK-AND-RIDE problem is a plan for
getting all the workers from their starting location to the target vertex t and the
objective is to compute a minimum cost plan. A plan is a sequence of no more
than p (
) steps where only the following steps are allowed and the cost of a plan
is the sum of the costs of the steps:
1. A car at vertex u can drive along the edge e ( u,v ) and transport the workers
in it to vertex v withacostofcost ( e ) .
2. A worker can leave a car at a vertex with a cost of 0 . A worker can only
leave his own car if no other workers are on board in which case the car can
not move anymore.
3. A worker can enter a car at a vertex if the capacity of the car allows it. The
cost of such a move is 0 .
For our first result we examine the computational complexity for the case
where the number of workers is a fixed constant.
Theorem 1. The PRIVATE-PARK-AND-RIDE problem can be solved in poly-
nomial time if
is a constant.
Proof. We provide a sketch of the proof. We refer to a given distribution of
the workers and cars on the vertices as a state . We construct a state transition
graph where the transitions are the steps mentioned in Definition 1. We assign
a small cost to leaving and entering a car and the transition corresponding to
driving along an edge e is assigned the cost cost ( e ). We now find the solution by
computing the shortest path from the initial state to a goal state (all workers at
vertex t ). A simple example with a part of the state transition graph is shown
in Fig. 2 where two workers have to travel to a neighbour vertex for the smallest
possible cost. The algorithm runs in polynomial time since the number of states
is bounded by a polynomial (
is constant).
In some situations, we maybe choose only to consider plans where a worker w
only has to coordinate with the workers arriving to t in the same car as w and
we will refer to such a plan as a low-coordination plan. There are cases where the
optimal plan is not a low-coordination plan as can be seen from the example in
Fig. 3. We now present our second positive result where H ( k )= i =1 k denotes
the k -th harmonic number:
Theorem 2. There is a polynomial time H ( k ) -approximation algorithm for the
PRIVATE-PARK-AND-RIDE problem restricted to low-coordination plans if all
cars have capacity k for some constant k.
Proof. Once again, we provide a sketch of the proof. For each subset S of work-
ers satisfying
k we can use the state transition technique from the proof
of Theorem 1 with W = S to examine whether the workers in S can coordi-
nate and arrive to t in the same car - and compute an optimal way of doing it
and the corresponding cost if it is possible. In this way we can solve our prob-
lem using a polynomial time reduction to WEIGHTED SET COVER [7] with
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