Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE.5-5 The output from the FindPort.py program
If you plug other USB devices into your computer, you might find that the next
time you restart your computer or plug in your Arduino board, the serial port
number changes and your program stops working. If this happens, just re-run
the findPort.py program, or delete the findport.cache file and run your
program to perform another scan for ports.
Writing a package that works reliably on every possible version of an operating
system is quite hard to achieve, and in future newer operating systems may be
released. If you have problems with your operating system not installing or not
finding the port properly, take a look at the companion Wiley website ( www.
wiley.com/go/adventuresinminecraft) to see if there is an updated version of the
package, or you can always find the latest news and package updates on my
github page here: https://github.com/whaleygeek/anyio
Controlling an.LED
In Adventure  1 you wrote a program called helloMinecraftWorld.py , which
printed a message on the Minecraft chat. When you are controlling electronics, there is
an equivalent “hello world” program that you can write. Instead of showing a message
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