Graphics Programs Reference
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4. Set the Diffuse roughness to 0.200 and the Glossy roughness to 0.800 .
Add a Layer Weight node ( Shift + A | Input | Layer Weight ) and connect
the Fresnel output to the Fac input socket of the Mix Shader node. Set
the Blend to 0.200 .
5. Add two Voronoi Texture nodes ( Shift + A | Texture | Voronoi Texture ),
a Noise Texture node ( Shift + A | Texture | Noise Texture ), and a Mus-
grave Texture ( Shift + A | Texture | Musgrave Texture ); place them ver-
tically in a column in this order from the top: Voronoi , Noise , Musgrave ,
and Voronoi .
6. Add a Texture Coordinate node ( Shift + A | Input | Texture Coordinate )
and a Mapping node ( Shift + A | Vector | Mapping ); connect the UV out-
put of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input of the Mapping
node and the Vector output of this latter to the Vector input sockets of
the four texture nodes.
7. Add four ColorRamp nodes ( Shift + A | Convertor | ColorRamp ) and
place each one of them close to each one of the texture nodes; connect
the Color output of each texture to the Fac input socket of the respective
ColorRamp .
8. Go to the first Voronoi Texture node: set the Coloring to Cells and the
Scale to 100.000 ; set the Interpolation of its ColorRamp to B-Spline
and move the black color marker to the middle of the slider, and the white
color marker to the full left. Add a Math node ( Shift + A | Convertor |
Math ) and connect the color ColorRamp output to the first Value input
socket of the Math node; set the operation to Multiply and the second
Value to 0.005 .
9. Go to the Noise Texture node and set the Scale to 80.000 . Set the re-
spective ColorRamp interpolation to Ease , move the black color marker
to the middle of the slider, and the white color marker 1/4 to the left. Add
a Math node ( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ) and connect the color Col-
orRamp output to the first Value input socket of the Math node; set the
operation to Multiply and the second Value to 0.050 .
10. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ), set the Blend Type to Differ-
ence , the Fac value to 1.000 and connect the outputs of the two Multiply
math nodes to the Color1 and Color2 input sockets of the Difference
11. Go to the Musgrave Texture node and set the Scale to 96.900 , Lacun-
arity to 2.000 , and Offset to 1.000 . Set the respective ColorRamp in-
terpolation to B-Spline and move the black color marker 1/4 to the right.
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