Graphics Programs Reference
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How to do it...
Now we are going to create the material:
1. Go to the frame 100.
2. Be sure to have the cloth plane selected and click on New in the Material
window under the Properties panel or in the Node Editor header; re-
name the new material cloth_generic .
3. In the Material window switch the Diffuse BSDF node with a Mix Shader
node; in the first Shader slot select a Diffuse BSDF node and in the
second one a Glossy BSDF shader node.
4. Set the Diffuse roughness to 1.000 ; set the Glossy roughness to 0.500 .
Change the Glossy color to R 0.800, G 0.730, B 0.369 and the Fac value
of the Mix Shader node to 0.160 .
5. Add a Texture Coordinate node ( Shift + A | Input | Texture Coordinate )
and two Mapping nodes ( Shift + A | Vector | Mapping ); connect the UV
output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input sockets of the
two Mapping nodes.
6. Now add two Wave Texture nodes ( Shift + A | Texture | Wave Texture )
and a Noise Texture node ( Shift + A | Texture | Noise Texture ). Connect
the output of the first Mapping node to the Vector input sockets of the
first Wave Texture node and of the Noise Texture node; connect the out-
put of the second Mapping node to the Vector input of the second Wave
Texture node.
7. Add three Math nodes ( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ), each one for each
texture node; set their operation mode to Multiply and connect the Fac
output of each texture node to the first Value input socket of the respect-
ive Math node. Set the second Value of the first two Math nodes to 1.000 .
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