Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
We are now ready to create this:
How to do it...
1. Select the plane and click on New in the Material window under the
Properties panel, or in the Node Editor window's header.
2. In the Node Editor window, add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift
+ A and go to Input | Texture Coordinate ), a Mapping node (press Shift
+ A and go to Vector | Mapping ), and a Musgrave Texture node (press
Shift + A and go to Texture | Musgrave Texture ).
3. Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector
input of the Mapping node and the Vector output of the latter to the Vect-
or input of the Musgrave Texture node.
4. Connect the Color output of the Musgrave Texture node to the Color in-
put of the Diffuse shader. Set the Scale value of the Musgrave Texture
node to 0.500 .
5. Add a Wave Texture node (press Shift + A and go to Texture | Wave
Texture ) and a Mix node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ). Connect
the Wave color output to the Color2 input of the Mix node, and then con-
nect the Color output of the Musgrave node to the Color1 input.
6. Connect the Mix node output to the Color input of the Diffuse shader.
Set the Mix node's Blend Type to Subtract . Connect the Mapping out-
put to the Wave texture's Vector input.
7. Set the Wave node's Scale value to 0.200 , Distortion to 20.000 , De-
tail to 16.000 , and Detail Scale to 5.000 .
8. Add a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Color-
Ramp ) and drag it to the link connecting the Wave node to the Mix node
to paste it in between. Change the interpolation mode to B-Spline and
move the black marker nearly one-fourth of the slider length to the right.
9. Add two Noise texture nodes (press Shift + A and go to Texture | Noise
Texture and then press Shift + D ) and connect them to the Mapping
node. Select the Subtract node and press Shift + D to duplicate it twice.
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