Graphics Programs Reference
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29. Set the Noise texture's Scale value to 200.000 , Detail to 1.000 , and
Distortion to 0.000 . Set the Bright/Contrast node's Bright value to
0.000 and the Contrast value to 0.200 . Set the Multiply factor value to
0.050 .
30. Duplicate a Multiply node and paste it between the Multiply node and
the Material Output node. Connect the Multiply output of the Granular-
ity to its Color2 input and set the Fac value to 1.000 :
31. Add a Math node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Math ) and a
RGB to BW node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | RGB to BW ).
Paste the Math node between the last Multiply node and the Materi-
al Output node, then paste the RGB to BW node just before the Math
32. Set the Math node's operation to Multiply and the second Value to
1.500 , as shown in the following screenshot:
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