Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Class Name
Specifies zone identifier and is used for conversions.
Specifies a time zone offset from Greenwich/UTC time.
A date-time object that also handles the time zone data
with time zone offset from Greenwich/UTC time.
Rules defining how a zone offset varies for a specified
time zone.
Provider of time zone rules to a particular system.
Transition between two offsets by a discontinuity in the
local timeline.
Rules expressing how to create a transition.
Starting with the most fundamental time zone class, ZoneId , each time zone con-
tains a particular time zone identifier. This identifier can be useful for assigning a par-
ticular time zone to a date-time. In the solution, the ZoneId is used to calculate any
differences between two time zones. ZoneId identifies the rules that should be used
for converting, based on a particular offset, either fixed or geographical region-based.
For more details on ZoneId , see the documentation at ht-
ZoneId.html .
ZonedDateTime is an immutable class that is utilized for working with date-
time and time zone data together. This class represents an object, much like
LocalDateTime , that includes the ZoneId . It can be used to express all facets of a
date, including year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, nanos, and time zone. The
class contains a bevy of methods that are useful for performing calculations, conver-
sions, and so on.. For brevity, the methods that are contained in ZonedDateTime are
not listed here, but you can read about each of them in the documentation at ht-
ZonedDateTime.html .
ZoneOffset specifies a time zone offset from Greenwich/UTC time. You can
find the offset for a particular time zone by invoking the
ZonedDateTime.getOffset() method. The ZoneOffset class includes meth-
ods that make it easy to break down an offset into different time units. For instance, the
getTotalSeconds() method returns the total of hours, minutes, and seconds fields
as a single offset that can be added to a time. Refer to the online documentation for
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