Java Reference
In-Depth Information
more information at
java/time/ZoneOffset.html .
There are many rules that can be defined for determining how zone offset varies for
a single time zone. The ZoneRules class is used to define these rules for a zone. For
instance, ZoneRules can be called on to specify or determine if daylight savings time
is a factor. An Instant or LocalDateTime can also be passed to ZoneRules
methods such as getOffset() and getTransition() to return ZoneOffset
or ZoneOffsetTransition . For more information on ZoneRules , refer to the
online documentation at
java/time/zone/ZoneRules.html .
Another time zone class that is used often is ZoneOffsetTransition . This
class models the transition between the spring and autumn offsets as a result of daylight
savings time changes. It is used to determine if there is a gap between transitions, ob-
taining the duration of a transition, and so on. For more information on ZoneOff-
setTransition , see the online documentation at
javase/8/docs/api/java/time/zone/ZoneOffsetTransition.html .
ZoneRulesProvider , ZoneOffsetTransitionRule , and other classes
are typically not utilized as often as others for working with dates and time zones.
These classes are useful for managing configuration of time zone rules and transitions.
Note The classes within the package are significant, in that
there is a multitude of methods that can be invoked on each class. This recipe provides a
primer for getting started, with only the basics of time zone usage. For more detailed in-
formation, see the online documentation.
4-14. Comparing Two Dates
You want to determine if one date is greater than another.
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