Cryptography Reference
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Fig. 2.12. A graphical depiction of the subset difference key poset for 8 users.
where the concatenated string LR has a length at most log n. We refer reader
to the Figure 2.13 for the computational specification of Subset Difference in
the KP framework.
The key-forest for compression.
Consider the set of trees of the following form : let L ∈{0,1} x with 0 ≤ x ≤
log n − 1 and b ∈ {0,1}. We have that F Lb is a binary tree constructed as
follows: it includes as root the node that corresponds to the subset j where
j = (L,b). In addition, F Lb includes all the nodes that can be added recursively
following this rule : for any node j 0 in F Lb , the first child of j 0 is cvr(j 0 ,2) and the
second child of j 0 is cvr(j 0 ,3) (see Figure 2.13 for computational specification
of the Subset Difference). The subset encoded by that contains the whole
user population also forms a tree by itself as a single node that is denoted by
F ε . The family of trees is denoted by F SD .
Proposition 2.41. The set F SD = {F s | s ∈ {0,1} x ,x = 0,..., log n} is a
key-forest of the set system Φ SD with degree 3.
Proof. Due to the definition of F Lb for any L ∈{0,1} x with 0 ≤ x ≤ log n−1
and b ∈{0,1}, it is easy to observe that the tree edges follow the superset rela-
tion, i.e. it holds that a parent of a node is a subset of that node. Now consider
any four nodes in the tree F Lb denoted by (L 1 ,R 1 ), (L 2 ,R 2 ), (L 3 ,R 3 ), (L 4 ,R 4 )
for which it holds that R 1 is a prefix of R 2 ,R 3 and R 2 ,R 3 are both prefixes of
R 4 . While this condition is necessary for a cycle (albeit not su cient) it also
suggests that R 2 ,R 3 must satisfy that one is a prefix of the other and thus
the four nodes cannot be in a cycle.
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