Cryptography Reference
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Fig. 5.10. The user paths due to the annotation given in Figure 5.9 .
Lemma 5.14. Consider the revocation instruction ψ = Revoke(Φ SD ,R) that
encodes the set R where Revoke is the algorithm described in Figure 2.9 .
Let Tree = Steiner(T,v x ,v y ) ∈ {Steiner(T,g,r) | users(g,r) ∈ ψ} be one of
the Steiner trees for a traitor coalition T. Consider the annotation f of Tree
given in Figure 5.9 . Suppose the shortest path hanging off the ⊥-path(Tree)
is annotated by u. Let u 1 = top f (u) and u s = bottom f (u) where s is the
length of the u-path(Tree). It holds that: (1) There exists a sequence of pi-
rate boxes B 1 ,B 2 ,···B h , each using a private key derived from sk u where
h = height(Tree) + A u and A u ∈ {0,1} such that A u = 1 if and only if
sibling(u 1 ) has a single child in Tree. (2) SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B h i,σ) =
(ψ \ users(v x ,v y )) ∪ {users(v x ,parent(u 1 )),users(u 1 ,u s )} ∪ L u , where L u =
{users(sibling(u 1 ),v y )} if A u = 1 and ∅ otherwise.
Proof of Lemma 5.14 : Let the ⊥-path in Tree = Steiner(T,v x ,v y ) be the
path hk 1 ,k 2 ,···k m i. Note that k 1 = v x and k m = v y . The shortest path
hanging off the ⊥-path is related to the maximum l such that sibling(k l ) is a
node in Tree, i.e. l = max(l : sibling(k l ) ∈ Tree). Provided that this shortest
path is annotated by u, denote the u-path by hu 1 ,u 2 ,···u s i. In light of the
facts that k l and u 1 are siblings in the Tree, and u s is a leaf, the length (in
number of nodes) of the path from v x to u s equals to height(Tree) + 1. It
follows that, l− 1 + s = height(Tree) + 1. Observe that A u as defined in the
statement of Lemma 5.14 , satisfies that A u = 0 if l = m and A u = 1 if l < m.
We define the sequence of pirate boxes B 1 ,B 2 ,···B h as follows:
SDBox(k y , k m , u) 0 < y < l
SDBox(k l−1 , k l , u) (y = l) ∧ (A u = 1)
SDBox(u j , sibling(u j+1 ), u) y = l + A u + j −1 for 0 < j ≤ s−1
B y =
Observe that h = height(Tree) + A u holds. We next prove the correctness,
i.e. the next generation should be able to decrypt the message encrypted after
tracing has disabled all previous boxes.
For simplicity, for a given B = SDBox(g,r,u) for a pair of nodes g,r,
let us define users(B) as the set users(g,r). Recall that users(k 1 ,k m ) ∈ ψ,
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