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we claim that users(B y ) ∈ SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B y−1 i,σ) provided that
y ≤ height(Tree) +A u . This can be proven by induction by using the result of
Lemma 5.11 . The induction is similar to the induction made in the proof of
Theorem 5.6 . Note that the last box SDBox(u s−1 , sibling(u s ),u) decrypts the
ciphertext iff users(u s−1 , sibling(u s )) = {u} is in the partition. Tracing against
all boxes would end up with revoking u entirely.
Regarding statement (2) of the lemma, we consider first the case l < m.
It is easy to see by induction that the following two claims hold :
Claim 1. Consider y = 2,...,l−1. Then it holds that the pattern SDDisable(ψ,
hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B y i,σ) contains the sets
users(k 1 ,k y ),users(k y ,k y+1 ),users(k y+1 ,k m )
Claim 2. Consider j = 2,...,s − 1 and y = l + j. Then it holds that the
pattern SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B y i,σ) contains the sets
users(u 1 ,u j ),users(u j ,u j+1 ),users(u j , sibling(u j+1 ))
Based on the above it is easy to see that ψ after the tracing process, it
will hold that users(v x ,v y ) would substituted by users(k 1 ,k l−1 ),users(k l ,k m )
and users(u 1 ,u s ).
The case of l < m can be argued in exactly the same way with the only
difference that there will be no “left-over” set users(k l ,k m ) in the pattern as
we have in the case l < m.
We next describe our evolving pirate strategy against the SD set sys-
tem. We define the master pirate box MasterBox produced by the adver-
sary P Encrypt (T,{sk u } u∈T ) for a set of traitors T as follows: MasterBox
recursively runs a procedure for each subset users(v x ,v y ) ∈ ψ which is
called makeboxes , with input the traitor annotated Steiner tree Tree =
Steiner(T,v x ,v y ). Observe below that whenever the recursive call is made,
the annotation of Tree satisfies that the root is annotated with ⊥. The basic
procedure works as follows:
The root v x is annotated as ⊥. Let u-path(Tree) = hu 1 ,u 2 ,···u s i be the
shortest path hanging off the ⊥-path(Tree). The master box MasterBox con-
structs SDBox(v x ,v y ,u) and more pirate decoders following the way tracing
works as described in lemma 5.11 . After creating pirate boxes as many as the
height of Tree (plus one possibly if A u = 1, cf. lemma 5.14 ), the traitor u will
be entirely revoked by the system. Lemma 5.14 tells us that the partition af-
ter revoking u will include the subsets users(v x ,parent(u 1 )) and users(u 1 ,u s ).
We update the path hu 1 ,u 2 ,···u s i in Steiner(T,u 1 ,u s ) by annotating it by
⊥ since u is no more in users(u 1 ,u s ). The master box MasterBox then runs
makeboxes independently on both of the trees Steiner(T,v x ,parent(u 1 )) and
Steiner(T,u 1 ,u s ). Refer to figure 5.11 for the detailed specification of the
evolving pirate strategy.
In the following theorem we prove the correctness of the strategy, i.e. that
each box will decrypt the ciphertexts that are generated assuming all previous
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