Cryptography Reference
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It, then, produces a collection of keys {k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] ⊆ K which is also set
to be transmission key ek for the encryption. The user key sk u , for u ∈ [n],
is set to hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i where w u = hw 1 ,w 2 ,...,w ` i ∈ W. The
pair (W,ik) is set to be the tracing key tk.
The following schemes are named due to their authors:
The Chor-Fiat-Naor Scheme
This scheme, as a unary scheme, is a non-trivial improvement on the ciphertext
length of the basic linear length multiuser encryption scheme. The idea is to
split the content m into ` shares m 1 ,...,m ` so that the content is the bit-wise
XOR of the m j 's. We denote the XOR operation by ⊕ and we assume (M,⊕)
is an Abelian group, i.e., the operation ⊕ is associative, commutative, there
is an identity element, and there exists the inverse of all elements in M with
respect to ⊕. We note that these are trivially satisfied in case M = {0,1} k
and ⊕ stands for the bit-wise exclusive-or operation.
The encryption procedure will be applied to each share m j , for j = 1,...,`,
that will be encrypted under q keys, namely k i,j for i = 1,...,q. More specif-
ically, we define the multiuser encryption scheme ME CFN[ F ] as follows:
• Transmit CFN[ F ] : Given a message m and the transmission key ek =
{k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] , it selects r 1 ,...,r ` randomly as strings of the same length
with m such that m = r 1 ⊕...⊕r ` holds. The algorithm finally transmits
the encryption of the message m with ek by using a symmetric encryption
scheme ( E , D ) as follows:
E k 1 (r 1 ) E k 1 (r 2 ) ... E k 1 (r ` )
E k 2 (r 1 ) E k 2 (r 2 ) ... E k 2 (r ` )
. . .
E k q (r 1 ) E k q (r 2 ) ... E k q (r ` )
• Receive CFN[ F ] : Given the key-material sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i for
any u ∈ [n] and a transmission of the form:
c 1,1 c 1,2 ... c 1,`
c 2,1 c 2,2 ... c 2,`
. . . .
c q,1 c q,2 ... c q,`
it returns D k w 1 ,1 (c w 1 ,1 ) ⊕ D k w 2 ,2 (c w 2 ,2 ) ...⊕ D k w ` ,` (c w ` ,` ).
We now discuss the correctnes of the above scheme:
Theorem 3.4. The multiuser encryption scheme ME CFN[ F ] satisfies the cor-
rectness property described in Definition 3.1 assuming the correctness of the
underlying encryption ( E , D ) i.e., for all m,k ∈M,K : D k ( E k (m)) = m.
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