Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Proof. Theorem 3.4 : First, note that the Chor-Fiat-Naor scheme is a
unary multiuser encryption scheme. Let htk,ek,sk 1 ,...,sk n i be distributed
according to KeyDist F which employs a q-ary fingerprinting code F . We have
tk = (W,ik) ← CodeGen ` (1 n ), and ek = {k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] so that the private
key for any user-index u ∈ [n] is defined as sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i
where w u = hw 1 ,w 2 ,...,w ` i∈W.
We will now prove that for any m ∈M and any user-index u ∈ [n] it holds
Prob[Receive CFN[ F ] (Transmit CFN[ F ] (ek,m),sk u ) = m] = 1
Provided that m = r 1 ⊕...⊕r ` holds for a set of strings r 1 ,...,r ` of the
same length with m, and the transmission is Transmit CFN[ F ] (ek,m) consist-
ing of an q×` matrix as described above. Observe that the Receive algorithm
on input sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i is capable of decrypting exactly one ci-
phertext from each column, i.e., for any j = 1,...,` there is a i ∈{1,2,...,q}
so that decryption of E k i,j (m j ) is available to that particular user with index
u, which implies the availability of the share m j . The receiver then can apply
the ⊕ operation to all shares to calculate the plaintext m.
The Boneh-Naor Scheme
The mode of transmission in a unary multiuser encryption scheme that is
based on fingerprinting codes can be modified to support a shorter transmis-
sion overhead. The idea is to sample a column-index l ←{1,...,`} and trans-
mit h E k 1,l (m), E k 2,l (m),..., E k q,l (m)i. Such modification ensures the short ci-
phertext during the normal transmission. We define the multiuser encryption
scheme ME BN[ F ] as follows:
• Transmit BN[ F ] : Given m and the encryption key ek = {k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] , it
first picks l ← {1,...,`} and it transmits the encryption of the message
M with ek by using a symmetric encryption scheme ( E , D ) as follows:
hl, E k 1,l (m), E k 2,l (m),..., E k q,l (m)i
• Receive BN[ F ] : Given the key-material sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i for
any u ∈ [n] and a transmission of the form:
hi,c 1 ,c 2 ,...,c q i
it returns D k w i ,i (c w i ).
Theorem 3.5. The multiuser encryption scheme ME BN[ F ] satisfies the cor-
rectness property described in Definition 3.1 assuming the correctness of the
underlying encryption ( E , D ) i.e., for all m,k ∈M,K : D k ( E k (m)) = m.
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