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reveal the location and offset in PLT/GOT, too. This analogy can also be seen
from Figure 1.
Another way to look at such an attack is that no matter how well code and
data objects are randomized, the randomized object would need to be accessi-
ble by the original program anyway to enable execution of the program. Ad-
dresses of libc functions are randomized, but the randomized addresses are used
in PLT/GOT to allow libc functions to be called; by the same token, PLT and
GOT can be randomized, but the randomized addresses are used in
instructions in the program, theoretically the target of the
structions to allow functions to be called, too. If our attack is able to locate the
instructions and find out the target of the call, we can find the address of
libc functions indirectly.
3.2 Attack Overview
To demonstrate the chain of dependencies, we propose our attack to perform
arbitrary computation when the binary program does not make use of position
independent code, i.e., when the attacker has access to the vulnerable program
for static analysis. In such a scenario, the attacker can easily locate the
instructions by disassembling the code segment. However, finding out the (ran-
domized) target of the call still remains nontrivial since it requires a memory
read operation to be executed. Recall that 1) we assume that memory pages are
non-writable or non-executable, and therefore executing injected code is not an
option; 2) libc function addresses have not been found, and therefore return-to-
libc is not an option either.
However, with the advances of return-oriented programming [14], such an
attack becomes possible. Return-oriented programming fits the requirement of
the attack well because it does not need to execute any injected code. Instead, it
can make use of short instruction sequences from the original program (not the
libc since the randomized libc addresses have not been found yet) to perform
Static analysis to locate the
address of a call instruction
Read the target address of
the call instruction
Read the target address
in PLT
Read the target address
in GOT
Transfer conrol to execve()
in libc to obtain a shell
Fig. 2. Overview of our attack
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