Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Endovascular Treatments for
Brain Aack Introduction
Interventional neuroradiological treatments were practiced for
the irst time in 1974 when Sebinenko blocked the blood low of a
cerebral artery using a balloon catheter [1]. This method was then
expanded to aneurysm treatment but was not adopted worldwide
until suficient tools were developed for that purpose. The use of
digital subtraction angiography (DSA) spread quickly worldwide
after that the irst stable aneurysm embolization was presented in
1991 by Guglielmi et al. The embolization was achieved by using
electricity for delivering a coil inside the aneurysm [2].
Generalized use of 3D DSA is the consequence of the remarkable
improvements in accuracy done in recent years. Such technology
increased safety during endovascular treatments. Therefore,
interventional radiology used is not only for cerebral aneurysm
treatments but also for various endovascular tools research and
development, such as the creation of new treatment techniques for
stenosis in carotid arteries, acute strokes and cerebral arteriovenous
malformation. In this chapter, we will explain conventional and
endovascular treatments for cerebrovascular diseases such as
cerebral aneurysms, carotid artery stenosis, acute stroke and
cerebral hemorrhage. Additionally, we will present how recently,
from other minimally invasive treatments, the use of endoscopes has
been adopted for neurosurgery.
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