Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The resulting set is shown in Fig. 4.14; for eliminating noise a
threshold of 200 mm was applied to the optical path length images,
this enhanced the borders of both urethane objects. Average stress
measurements were performed for the different values of P in the
ROI of the photoelasticity source images, first using the photoelastic
stress analysis and then by using equations (4.6, 4.28).
40 mmHg
100 mmHg
160 mmHg
50 mmHg
110 mmHg
170 mmHg
60 mmHg
120 mmHg
180 mmHg
70 mmHg
130 mmHg
189 mmHg
80 mmHg
140 mmHg
S 1 -S 2
D (Mm)
90 mmHg
150 mmHg
Figure 4.14 Result image of the 16 samples. Below each set of two images,
the corresponding pressure is written. For each set, optical
path length D (left) and the corresponding photoelastic stress
analysis (right) are shown. A local maximum of stress appears
on the right side of the phantom as pressure increases. See also
Color Insert.
If r >> D , the wall thickness measurement inluence in the inal
result is almost the same for both methodologies; then the stress
measured using equations (4.6, 4.28) may be used as a reference for
the photoelastic error quantiication. The results for both methods
and their difference are plotted in Fig. 4.15. An average error of 3.9%
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