Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Cu, Zn-SOD
1 nA
1 nA
2 s
4 s
FIGURE 6.8 (a) Typical current-time response obtained at the Cu, Zn-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au
electrode in phosphate buffer (O 2 -saturated) solution containing 0.002 unit of XOD upon the addition of
50 nM xanthine and the subsequent addition of 6 µM Cu, Zn-SOD. (b) Current-time responses of (i) the
apo-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au electrode and (ii) the Cu, Zn-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au electrode toward
O 2 in phosphate buffer containing 0.002 unit of XOD upon the addition of 40 nM xanthine. The electrode
was polarized at 300 mV, and the solution was gently stirred with a magnetic stirrer at 200 rpm. (Reprinted
from [151], with permission from the American Chemical Society.)
Figure 6.8a shows the typical current-time response of the Cu, Zn-SOD/cysteine-
modifi ed Au electrode at
300 mV on addition of xanthine and Cu, Zn-SOD to the O 2 -
saturated phosphate buffer containing 0.002 U XOD. The introduction of 50 nM xanthine
into the solution produced a rapid and obvious increase in the anodic current. To verify
that the observed anodic current is attributed to the oxidation of O 2 rather than that
of the co-products of the XOD/xanthine-based O 2 generating reaction, i.e. uric acid
and H 2 O 2 , 6
M Cu, Zn-SOD was added into the solution since Cu, Zn-SOD, a selective
scanvenger of O 2 , can specifi cally dismutate O 2 . This addition caused the anodic cur-
rent to decrease by
95% within 6 s (Fig. 6.8a). The addition of more Cu, Zn-SOD to
the solution resulted in the anodic current decreasing to almost the background current,
strongly indicating that only O 2 generated by the XOD-xanthine system is oxidized at
the Cu, Zn-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au electrode to give an amperometric response. In
order to examine the direct oxidation of O 2 at the Cu, Zn-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au
electrode without the above-mentioned redox mediation via Cu, Zn-SOD, the response
of the apo-SOD/cysteine-modifi ed Au electrode toward O 2 was also measured. The
apo-SOD (Cu-free derivative EZnSOD, E
empty) was prepared according to a method
described by Cocco and Calabrese [127]. As shown in Fig. 6.8b, much less response was
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