Cryptography Reference
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Notations Related to RC4 used in this Topic
We denote the permutation, the deterministic index and the pseudo-
random index be denoted by S,i,j for the KSA and by S G ,i G ,j G
for the
PRGA respectively. t is used to denote the index in S G
from where the
keystream byte z is chosen.
We use subscript r to these variables to denote their updated values in
round r, where 1 ≤ r ≤ N for the KSA and r ≥ 1 for the PRGA. Thus, for
the KSA,
i r = r−1.
For the PRGA,
i r
= r mod N
z r = S r [t r ].
According to this notation, S N is the permutation after the completion of the
By S 0 and j 0 , we mean the initial permutation and the initial value of
the index j respectively before the KSA begins and by S 0
and j 0 , we mean
the same before the PRGA begins. Note that S 0
and S N represent the same
Sometimes, for clarity of exposition, we omit the subscripts and/or the
superscripts in S,i,j,t,z. This will be clear from the context.
We use the notation S −1
for the inverse of the permutation S, i.e., if
S[y] = v, then S −1 [v] = y.
The identity
f y = y(y + 1)
will be used frequently in this topic.
Other notations will be introduced as and when necessary.
2.5 On Randomness and Pseudo-Randomness
When should something be called random has been a long-standing philo-
sophical debate. Without going into historical anecdotes, we briefly discuss the
three primary approaches to randomness prevalent in the scientific paradigm.
The first approach is rooted in Shannon's information theory [163], that
equates randomness with lack of information. In this model, perfect random-
ness is associated with uniform distribution, i.e., a quantity is called random
if all of its values are equally likely. The more non-uniform a distribution is,
the more it is deviated from randomness.
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