Cryptography Reference
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Fig. 5.5. Example of the clustering technique.
Assume that there are two clusters S 1 and S 2 where the centers are at z 1 =
(r 1 , g 1 , b 1 , )andz 2 =(r 2 , g 2 , b 2 , ). The cluster-ordering relationship between
z 1 and z 2 may be defined as follows,
z 1 >z 2 , if (l 1 > l 2 )or(l 1 = l 2 and r 1 > r 2 )
or (l 1 = l 2 and r 1 = r 2 and g 1 > g 2 ),
z 1 = z 2 , if (l 1 = l 2 and r 1 = r 2 and g 1 = g 2 ),
z 1 <z 2 , otherwise.
R cluster−order :
Here, l 1 and l 2 are computed using the formula for the luminance shown in
Eq. (5.2). To embed 1-bit secret data into the image data X i,j belonging
to i-th cluster S t , the cluster-mapping function F cluster−map defined by the
following is used.
if z t
1 ,
if z
1 >z t
2 ,
if z
F cluster−map (z t ,z
1 ,z
2 ,z
3 ,z
4 )=
>z t
3 ,
if z
>z t
4 ,
Here z
1 , z
2 , z
3 , form the sorting result, z
1 is the largest. The output of the
cluster-mapping function F cluster−map is the bit to be embedded. We need
to modify image data X(i, j) if the output of the cluster-mapping function
F cluster−map is not equal to the embedding bit. Let RID denote the image
data that is selected to replace X(i, j). The color c RID has to satisfy the three
1. The size of the cluster that c RID belongs to is one.
2. The cluster includes the replaceable color, together with the four precedent
neighbors of X(i, j). These act together as a complete input to the cluster-
mapping function F cluster−map . This gives a binary output value equal to
the secret bit.
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