Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 25.2 An anisotropic
representative volume
element for a network of
semi-flexible chains (Bischoff
et al., 2002b , 2002c )
25.2.1 3D Hyperelastic Constitutive Models
Collagen fibers and elastin are long-chain molecules. Their mechanical responses
can be categorized into three regimes: flexible, semi-flexible, and stiff (Palmer et al.,
2010 ). Many biopolymer inspired constitutive models have been proposed, such as
the freely jointed chain and semi-flexible chain models. MacKintosh et al. ( 1995 )
proposed a model that describes the nonlinear behavior of semi-flexible biopolymers
at small strains well (MacKintosh et al., 1995 ). This model has been implemented in
an eight-chain framework (Arruda and Boyce, 1993 ) to capture the response of an F-
actin network (Palmer and Boyce, 2008 ). The Cauchy stress tensor T A is expressed
L c /l p
6 ( 1
λ c r 0 /L c )
nkΘ A
3 l p
r 0
λ c
T A =
λ c r 0 /L c ) B
p I , (25.5)
λ c λ 0 /L c ) 2
4 ( 1
L c /l p
2 ( 1
tr ( B )/ 3 .
λ c =
In this equation, n is the chain density of the network, k is Boltzmann's constant,
Θ A is the temperature, and p is the hydrostatic pressure. For the MacKintosh chain
network l p represents the persistence length, L c represents the contour length, r 0 is
the initial vector chain length and λ c is the chain stretch. Since these are all physical
parameters, potentially, they are measurable experimentally. The MacKintosh chain
network of the micromechanical model is embedded within an initially isotropic
or anisotropic 8-chain framework (Arruda and Boyce, 1993 ; Bischoff et al., 2002b ,
2002c ), as in Fig. 25.2 to mathematically model the mechanical behavior of a struc-
tural protein network or inorganic elastomer network.
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