Cryptography Reference
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Figure 9.9 - Simple illustration of finite geometry
Kou, Lin and Fossorier's Euclidian / Projective Geometry LDPC
These LDPC codes are built on finite geometry [9.34]. Finite geometry is based
on n points and m rows, such that each row contains k points and each point
is on j lines. Two lines are either parallel or they have only one common point.
A parity check matrix H =( h ij ) can be built by assuming that h ij =1 if and
only if the i -th row contains the j -th point. Of course, j and k have to be small
compared to m and n in order to build an LDPC code that is called type I .An
example of simple finite geometry is illustrated in Figure 9.9.
These codes are cyclic. When considering the transposed version of H ,we
can obtain quasi-cyclic LDPC codes which are referred to as type II codes.
Two kinds of finite geometry are used: Euclidean geometry (EG) and projective
geometry (PG).
Constructions based on permutation matrices
Tanner et al. have proposed an algebraic construction of LDPC parity-check
matrices based on an idea of Tanner [9.54]. A regular ( j, k ) code of length
n = kp and m = jp parity checks can be obtained, assuming that p is a prime
number and j, k are chosen among the prime factors of p
1 . The structure of
the parity check matrix is:
I 1
I a
I a 2
I a k− 1
I b
I ab
I a 2 b
I a k− 1 b
H =
. . .
I b j− 1
I ab j− 1
I a 2 b j− 1
I a k− 1 b j− 1
where I x is the identity matrix whose columns have been right-shifted x times,
and where a and b are two non-zero elements in F p of order j and k respectively.
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