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Question 8 With distinct search keys and separate chaining with sorted chains, write an
algorithm for the dictionary's add method.
Question 9 Can you define an iteration of a dictionary's search keys in sorted order when
you use hashing in its implementation? Explain.
Hashing is a dictionary implementation that stores entries into an array called the hash table. A hash function
transforms an entry's search key into the index of the array location that will contain the entry.
All classes have a method hashCode that returns an integer hash code. If a class's instances are to be search
keys, you should override hashCode to produce suitable hash codes. A hash code should depend on the entire
search key.
A hash function uses hashCode to compute a hash code from a search key and then compresses that hash
code into an index to the hash table. A typical way to compress the hash code c is to compute c modulo n,
where n is a prime number and the size of the hash table. This computation produces an index whose magni-
tude lies between 0 and n - 1.
A perfect hash function maps each search key into a distinct location in the hash table. You can find such a
function if you know all possible search keys. Using a perfect hash function makes possible O(1) implemen-
tations of the dictionary operations.
With a typical hash function, more than one search key can map into the same location in the hash table. This
occurrence is called a collision.
Various methods are available to deal with collisions. Among them are open addressing and separate
With open addressing, all entries that map into the same location are ultimately stored within the hash table.
These entries are in a sequence of locations called the probe sequence. Several different versions of open
addressing are common. Linear probing uses consecutive locations. Quadratic probing spaces the locations
in a probe sequence at increasing increments. These increments are 1, 4, 9, and so on—that is, the squares of
the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . . Double hashing uses a fixed increment that depends on the search key. A second
hash function provides this increment.
With open addressing, you remove an entry by placing it into a removed state. You do not set its table
location to null , because that would terminate subsequent searches prematurely. You retrieve an entry by
searching its probe sequence, ignoring removed entries, until you either find the desired entry or encoun-
ter null . You perform the same search when you add a new entry, but while searching, you note the first
location—if any—that references a removed entry. You use this location for the added entry. If no such
location exists, the addition extends the probe sequence by using the null location encountered after
searching the entire sequence.
A disadvantage of linear probing and quadratic probing is clustering. Clustering lengthens a probe sequence
and so increases the time to search it. Double hashing avoids this problem.
With separate chaining, the hash table is an array of buckets. All entries that map into the same array loca-
tion are stored in the bucket that the location references. Each bucket can be a chain of linked nodes, for
example. That is, each location in the hash table can reference the beginning of a chain.
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