Java Reference
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return null
Search the chain that begins at hashTable[index] for a node that contains key
if ( key is found )
{ // assume currentNode references the node that contains key
oldValue = currentNode.getValue()
return oldValue
else // add new node to end of chain
{ // assume nodeBefore references the last node
newNode = new Node(key, value)
return null
Algorithm remove(key)
index = getHashIndex(key)
Search the chain that begins at hashTable[index] for a node that contains key
if ( key is found )
Remove the node that contains key from the chain
return value in removed node
return null
Algorithm getValue(key)
index = getHashIndex(key)
Search the chain that begins at hashTable[index] for a node that contains key
if (key is found )
return value in found node
return null
All three operations search a chain of nodes. Each chain should contain only a few entries, if
the hash table is sufficiently large and the hash function distributes the entries uniformly through-
out the table. Thus, these operations should be time efficient. For a dictionary of n entries, the
operations certainly are faster than O( n ). In the worst case, however, all entries are in one chain, so
the efficiency degenerates to O( n ). We will discuss the efficiency of hashing in more detail in the
next chapter.
Note: Separate chaining provides an efficient and simple way to resolve collisions.
Because the structure of the hash table is altered, however, separate chaining requires more
memory than open addressing.
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