Java Reference
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return front;
} // end removeFront
Aside from its name, this method differs from dequeue only in the addition of the else clause.
Figure 11-19 illustrates the effect of removeFront for a deque of at least two entries.
FIGURE 11-19
(a) A deque containing at least two entries; (b) after removing the
first node and obtaining a reference to the deque's new first entry
Entry at front
of deque
Entry at front
of deque
to client
The method removeBack has an analogous definition:
public T removeBack()
T back = null ;
if (!isEmpty())
back = lastNode.getData();
lastNode = lastNode.getPreviousNode();
if (lastNode == null )
firstNode = null ;
lastNode.setNextNode( null );
} // end if
return back;
} // end removeBack
The implementations of removeFront and removeBack are each O(1).
Retrieving an entry. The method getFront has the same implementation as given in Segment 11.4
for a queue. The method getBack is analogous to getFront and is left as an exercise. Both
getFront and getBack are O(1) operations.
Question 8 Implement the method getBack for the ADT deque when a doubly linked chain
contains the deque's entries.
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