Java Reference
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lastNode = newNode;
} // end addToBack
Aside from its name, this method differs from enqueue only in the statement that allocates a new node.
FIGURE 11-18
Adding to the back of a nonempty deque: (a) after the new node
is allocated; (b) after the addition is complete
The method addToFront has an analogous implementation. When adding a node to the begin-
ning of a doubly linked chain, we must make the chain's current first node reference the new node
by passing the deque's data field firstNode to the node's constructor. Compare the following defi-
nition for addToFront with the one just given for addToBack :
public void addToFront(T newEntry)
DLNode newNode = new DLNode( null , newEntry, firstNode);
if (isEmpty())
lastNode = newNode;
firstNode = newNode;
} // end addToFront
As given here, both addToFront and addToBack are O(1) operations.
Removing an entry. The method removeFront has an implementation much like that of dequeue
given in Segment 11.5, but it has one other concern. After detaching the first node, if the deque is
not empty, removeFront must set the field previous in the new first node to null . This step occurs
in the else clause of the following definition:
public T removeFront()
T front = null ;
if (!isEmpty())
front = firstNode.getData();
firstNode = firstNode.getNextNode();
if (firstNode == null )
lastNode = null ;
firstNode.setPreviousNode( null );
} // end if
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