Java Reference
In-Depth Information
An iterative method contains a loop. A recursive method calls itself. Although some recursive methods con-
tain a loop and call themselves, if you have written a while statement within a recursive method, be sure that
you did not mean to write an if statement.
A recursive method that does not check for a base case, or that misses the base case, will not terminate nor-
mally. This situation is known as infinite recursion.
Too many recursive calls can cause the error message “stack overflow.” This means that the stack of activa-
tion records has become full. In essence, the method uses too much memory. Infinite recursion or large-size
problems are the likely causes of this error.
Do not use a recursive solution that repeatedly solves the same problem in its recursive calls.
If a recursive method does not work, answer the following questions. Any “no” answers should guide you to
the error.
Does the method have at least one parameter or input value?
Does the method contain a statement that tests a parameter or input value, leading to different cases?
Did you consider all possible cases?
Does at least one of these cases cause at least one recursive call?
Do these recursive calls involve smaller arguments, smaller tasks, or tasks that get closer to the solution?
If these recursive calls produce or return correct results, will the method produce or return a correct result?
Is at least one of the cases a base case that has no recursive call?
Are there enough base cases?
Does each base case produce a result that is correct for that case?
If the method returns a value, does each of the cases return a value?
Consider the method displayRowOfCharacters that displays any given character the specified number of times
on one line. For example, the call
displayRowOfCharacters('*', 5);
produces the line
Implement this method in Java by using recursion.
Describe a recursive algorithm that draws concentric circles, given the diameter of the outermost circle. The diam-
eter of each inner circle should be three-fourths the diameter of the circle that encloses it. The diameter of the
innermost circle should exceed 1 inch.
Write a method that asks the user for integer input that is between 1 and 10, inclusive. If the input is out of range,
the method should recursively ask the user to enter a new input value.
The factorial of a positive integer n —which we denote as n !—is the product of n and the factorial of n - 1. The
factorial of 0 is 1. Write two different recursive methods that each return the factorial of n .
Write a recursive method that writes a given array backward. Consider the last element of the array first.
Repeat Exercise 5, but instead consider the first element of the array first.
Repeat Exercises 5 and 6, but write a string backward instead of an array.
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