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A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward. For example deed and level are palindromes.
Write an algorithm in pseudocode that tests whether a string is a palindrome. Implement your algorithm as a static
method in Java. Exercise 11 and Project 1 in Chapter 5 asked you to describe how to do this using a stack.
Segment 7.37 introduced the Fibonacci sequence. Computing this sequence recursively is inefficient and takes too
much time. Write two methods that each compute the n th term in the Fibonacci sequence by using iteration instead
of recursion. One method should use an array to store the Fibonacci numbers. The other method should use three
variables to contain the current term in the sequence and the two terms before it.
What is the Big Oh for each of your iterative methods? Compare these results with the performance of the
recursive algorithm.
For three disks, how many recursive calls are made by each of the two solveTowers algorithms given in Segment 7.31?
Write a recursive method that counts the number of nodes in a chain of linked nodes.
If n is a positive integer in Java, n % 10 is its rightmost digit and n / 10 is the integer obtained by dropping the
rightmost digit from n . Using these facts, write a recursive method that displays an integer n in decimal. Now
observe that you can display n in any base between 2 and 9 by replacing 10 with the new base. Revise your
method to accommodate a given base.
Consider the method getFrequencyOf in the class ArrayBag , as given in Segment 2.17 of Chapter 2. Write a pri-
vate recursive method that getFrequencyOf can call, and revise the definition of getFrequencyOf accordingly.
Repeat Exercise 13, but instead use the class LinkedBag and the method getFrequencyOf in Segment 3.16 of Chapter 3.
Write four different recursive methods that each compute the sum of integers in an array of integers. Model your
methods after the displayArray methods given in Segments 7.15 through 7.18 and described in Question 5.
Write a recursive method that returns the smallest integer in an array of integers. If you divide the array into two pieces—
halves, for example—and find the smallest integer in each of the two pieces, the smallest integer in the entire array will be
the smaller of the these two integers. Since you will be searching a portion of the array—for example, the elements
array[first] through array[last] —it will be convenient for your method to have three parameters: the array and two
indices, first and last . You can refer to the method displayArray in Segment 7.18 for inspiration.
Trace the call f(16) to the following method by showing a stack of activation records:
public int f( int n)
int result = 0;
if (f <= 4)
result = 1;
result = f(n / 2) + f(n / 4);
return result;
} // end f
Write a recursive algorithm in pseudocode that finds the second smallest object in an array of Comparable objects.
Implement your algorithm as a static method in Java.
Consider the class ArrayBag , as given in Chapter 2. Implement the method equals for ArrayBag so that it calls a
private recursive method.
t (1) = 2
t ( n ) = 1 + t ( n - 1) for n > 1
find an expression for t ( n ) that is not given in terms of itself. Prove that your result is correct by using induction.
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