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Figure 1.10 Chromatograms of the reaction products from the reaction between Pt(dien)
and DNA: (a) d(TAT GGT ACCATA) 2 ; (b) d(TAT GGA TCCATA) 2 ; (c) d(TAT GGC CATA) 2 .
The HPLC fractions were collected ca 1 day after the reactions were started. The assignments
of the fractions are based on analysis of 2D NOESY spectra. (J. Vinje, J.A. Parkinson, P.J.
Sadler, T. Brown, E. Sletten, Sequence-selective metalation of double-helical oligodeoxyribo-
nucleotides with PtII, MnII and ZnII ions. Chem. Eur. J. , 2003, 9 , 1620-1630. Copyright
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.)
stranded DNA. 52 Leng and coworkers have suggested a catalytic property of the
DNA double helix to explain the rearrangement that is observed when a stable
trans -platinated single strand is annealed with its complementary strand. 54 The
occurrence of Pt-N bond cleavage may infl uence the results of kinetic analysis that
are based on HPLC techniques, in which aliquots of the reaction mixture are
collected at several time points and quenched with large amount of potassium
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