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0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
node B's parent set
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
Fig. 6.4. Matrix representation of a DAG.
A traditional GA (with one-point crossover and mutation) is applied to search
for the optimal solution represented in the bit-string representation. For
the fitness function, they adopted the Bayesian score (called the BD score
in [6.21]), which was used in the K2 algorithm [6.22]. Note that because the
genetic operators can generate illegal offspring structures (i.e., networks that
are not DAG), cycle repairing is needed after an offspring is produced. 3
Because it is rare to have a densely connected network in real-world prob-
lems, they imposed a limit on the number of parents a node could have in
its implementation. 4 Even though such a restriction greatly reduces the pos-
sible search space, the problem is still NP-hard, as suggested by the work of
Hoffgen [6.32].
They conducted a number of experiments to test the GA approach with
different implementations under different parameter settings. Based on the
results, several recommendations regarding the choice of implementation and
parameters are made.
6.3.2 Using EP
Recently, Wong et al. [6.9] used evolutionary programming to tackle the
learning problem. Because they used the minimum description length met-
ric [6.20] to evaluate fitness, they called their approach MDLEP.
EP is different from GAs mainly in the format of solution representation
and the genetic operators used [6.33], [6.26]. Unlike the restricted use of
string in GAs, EP does not have any restriction in solution representation.
An individual in MDLEP is simply the connectivity matrix of the network.
3 In a later work, they considered the case that a node ordering is given.With a
node ordering, the genetic operators become closed operators, which means no
repairing is required.
4 The same limit is imposed in MDLEP and all of our algorithms.
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