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1. Set t, the generation count, to 0.
2. For each species k,
• create an initial population, Pop k (t), randomly.
3. For each species k,
• evaluate the fitness of individuals in Pop k (t).
4. Compose the collaborative structure S by combining the best individual from each
5. While the termination criterion is not matched:
For each species k,
evaluate the fitness values of individuals in Pop k (t) with respect to the col-
laborative structure S.
select individuals for reproduction according to their fitness values.
apply genetic operators to produce offspring.
evaluate the fitness values of the offspring with respect to the collaborative
structure S.
replace members in Pop k (t) with offspring, which gives the new population
Pop k (t + 1).
Update S.
Fig. 6.3. Cooperativecoevolution algorithm.
evolution is applied in learning neural networks [6.6] and in learning sequen-
tial decision rules [6.7].
6.3 Learning Using Evolutionary Computation
Recently, a few attempts [6.24], [6.9] were made that apply evolutionary
computation to tackle the problem of learning Bayesian networks using the
search-and-scoring approach. In [6.24], genetic algorithms (GAs) are used,
but [6.9] uses evolutionary programming (EP).
6.3.1 Using GA
Larranaga et al. [6.24] proposed using genetic algorithms [6.30], [6.31] to
search for the optimal Bayesian network structure. In their research, the
network structure (composed of n nodes) is represented by an n × n connec-
tivity matrix C which is, in effect, the transpose of the adjacency matrix.
Each element C ij
C ij = 1,
if node j is a parent of node i
With this representation, the ith row in the matrix encodes the parent set of
node N i (i.e., Π N i ). An illustration is given in Fig. 6.4.
By flattening the matrix, the bit-string representation is obtained:
C 11 C 21 C 31 ...C n1 C 21 C 22 ...C nn .
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