Cryptography Reference
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φ ψ 2 ψ 1 is an isomorphism between G 1 and G 2 .In
3. If both
ψ j 's are correct, then
this case we output
and halt.
4. In case
ψ j is correct for a single j , and i
n , we let T
( T
j ) and proceed to the next
iteration (i.e., i
1). Otherwise, we halt, with no output.
It can be easily verified that if this extractor halts with no output in any iteration i < n ,
then the verifier (in the real interaction) accepts with probability zero. Similarly, if
the extractor halts with no output in iteration n , then the verifier (in the real interac-
tion) accepts with probability at most 2 n . Thus, whenever p (( G 1 , G 2 )
2 n , the
extractor succeeds in recovering an isomorphism between the two input graphs.
, · , ·
> Strong (ZK) Proofs of Knowledge for
A similar argument can be applied to some zero-knowledge proof systems for
In particular, consider n sequential repetitions of the following basic (zero-knowledge)
proof system for the Hamiltonian-cycle (HC) problem. We consider directed graphs
(and the existence of directed Hamiltonian cycles).
Construction 4.7.14 (Basic Proof System for HC):
Common input: a directed graph G
( V
E ) , with n
Auxiliary input to prover: a directed Hamiltonian cycle, C
E, in G.
Prover's first step (P1): The prover selects a random permutation
of the vertices
V and commits to the entries of the adjacency matrix of the resulting permuted
graph. That is, it sends an n-by-n matrix of commitments such that the (
( i )
( j ))
entry is a commitment to 1 if ( i
j )
E and is a commitment to 0 otherwise.
Verifier's first step (V1): The verifier uniformly selects
σ ∈{
and sends it to
the prover.
σ =
0 means that the verifier asks to check that the matrix of commit-
ments is a legitimate one, whereas
1 means that the verifier asks to reveal a
Hamiltonian cycle in the permuted graph.
σ =
Prover's second step (P2): If
to the verifier along
with the revealing (i.e., pre-images) of all commitments. Otherwise, the prover
reveals to the verifier only the commitments to entries (
σ =
0 , then the prover sends
( i )
( j )) , with ( i
j )
Verifier's second step (V2): If
σ =
0 , then the verifier checks that the revealed
graph is indeed isomorphic, via
, to G. Otherwise, the verifier simply checks
that all revealed values are 1 and that the corresponding entries form a simple
n-cycle. (Of course, in both cases, the verifier checks that the revealed values do fit
the commitments.) The verifier accepts if and only if the corresponding condition
We claim that the protocol resulting from sequentially repeating Construction 4.7.14
n times is a (zero-knowledge) strong proof of knowledge of a Hamiltonian cycle; see
Exercises 20 and 30. Because a Hamiltonian cycle is
-complete, we get such proof
systems for any language in
. We mention that the known zero-knowledge strong
proofs of knowledge for
-complete languages are all costly in terms of the round-
complexity. Still, we have the following:
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