Cryptography Reference
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Theorem 4.7.15: Assuming the existence of (non-uniformly) one-way functions,
-relation has a zero-knowledge system for strong proofs of knowledge.
4.8. Computationally Sound Proofs (Arguments)
In this section we consider a relaxation of the notion of an interactive proof system.
Specifically, we relax the soundness condition of interactive proof systems. Instead of
requiring that it be impossible to fool the verifier into accepting false statements (with
probability greater than some bound), we require only that it be infeasible to do so. We
call such protocols computationally sound proof systems (or arguments ). The advantage
of computationally sound proof systems is that perfect zero-knowledge computation-
ally sound proof systems can be constructed, under some reasonable complexity-
assumptions, for all languages in
. Recall that perfect zero-knowledge proof sys-
tems are unlikely to exist for all languages in
(see Section 4.5). Also recall
that computational zero-knowledge proof systems do exist for all languages in
provided that one-way functions exist. Hence, the previously quoted positive results
exhibit some kind of a trade-off between the soundness and zero-knowledge proper-
ties of the zero-knowledge protocols of
. (We remark, however, that the perfect
zero-knowledge computationally sound proofs for
are constructed under stronger
complexity-theoretic assumptions than are the ones used for the computational zero-
knowledge proofs. It is indeed an interesting research project to try to construct perfect
zero-knowledge computationally sound proofs for
under weaker assumptions, in
particular, assuming only the existence of one-way functions.)
We mention that it seems that computationally sound proof systems can be much
more efficient than ordinary proof systems. Specifically, under some plausible com-
plexity assumptions, extremely efficient computationally sound proof systems (i.e.,
requiring only poly-logarithmic communication and randomness) exist for any lan-
guage in
. An analogous result cannot hold for ordinary proof systems unless
NP Dtime(2 polylog )).
is contained in deterministic quasi-polynomial time (i.e.,
4.8.1. Definition
The definition of computationally sound proof systems follows naturally from the
foregoing discussion. The only issue to consider is that merely replacing the soundness
condition of Definition 4.2.4 with a computational-soundness condition leads to an
unnatural definition, since the computational power of the prover in the completeness
condition (in Definition 4.2.4) is not restricted. Hence, it is natural to restrict the prover
in both (the completeness and soundness) conditions to be an efficient one. It is crucial
to interpret “efficient” as being probabilistic polynomial-time given auxiliary input
(otherwise, only languages in
will have such proof systems). Hence, our starting
point is Definition 4.2.10 (rather than Definition 4.2.4).
Definition 4.8.1 (Computationally Sound Proof System (Arguments)): A pair
of interactive machines ( P
V ) is called a computationally sound proof system
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