Cryptography Reference
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d (n) / d(n)
chosen d(n)-bit-long prime divides a d (n)-bit-long integer is at most
, which is
Prime d(n) |
(d (n)
2 d(n) ).
Exercise 31: An alternative construction for Exercise 30: Let F and let d be as
in Exercise 30, and let S d(n)
d (n) be a hashing family (as defined in Section
S d( | s | )
} and h
d ( | s | ) , define f s,h such that f s,h (x)
For every s
0, 1
f s (h(x)), and let
= {
f s,h :
d (
0, 1
0, 1
} s ∈{ 0,1 } ,h S d( | s | )
d (
(This construction requires longer seeds than the one in Exercise 30; however, one can
use much smaller families of functions that approximate the desired features.)
1. Prove that if d(n) = ω (log n), then F is pseudorandom.
2. On the other hand, show that if d(n) = O(log n) and r(n) > d(n), then F is not pseudo-
Guideline (Part 2): For any distinct x, y ∈{ 0, 1 }
d (n) and a uniformly selected function
mapping d (n)-bit-long strings to r(n)-bit-long string, the probability that x and y are
mapped to the same image is 2 r(n) . However, the probability that xand yare mapped to
the same image under a uniformly selected f s,h is lower-bounded by Pr[h(x) = h(y)] =
2 d(n) .
Exercise 32: Analternativedefinitionofpseudorandomfunctions: For the sake of sim-
plicity, this exercise is stated in terms of ensembles of Boolean functions (analogously
to Definition 3.6.9, with d(n)
nand r(n)
1). That is, we consider a Boolean-function
} | s | →{
f s :
0, 1
0, 1
}} s ∈{ 0,1 } and let F n be uniformly distributed over the
F n } n N is unpredictable if
for every probabilistic polynomial-time oracle machine M, for every polynomial p(
f s } s ∈{ 0,1 }
n . We say that the function ensemble
), and
for all sufficiently large n's,
Pr corr F n M F n (1 n ) <
2 +
where M F n (1 n ) assumes values of the form (x,
0, 1
0, 1
such that x is
not a query appearing in the computation M F n (1 n ), and corr f (x,
) is defined as the
predicate “f(x)
”. Intuitively, after getting the values of f on points of its choice, the
machine M outputs a new point (i.e., x) along with a guess (i.e.,
= σ
) for the value of
f on this point. The value of corr f (x,
) represents whether or not M is correct in its
Assuming that F = { F n } n N is efficiently computable, prove that F is pseudorandom
if and only if F is unpredictable.
Guideline: The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem 3.3.7
Exercise 33: A mistaken “alternative” definition of pseudorandom functions: Again,
we consider ensembles of Boolean functions, as in Exercise 32. Consider the following
definition of weakunpredictability of function ensembles. The predicting oracle machine
M is given a uniformly chosen x
n as input and should output a guess for f(x),
after querying the oracle f on polynomially many other (than x) points of its choice. We
require that for every probabilistic polynomial-time oracle machine Mthat doesnotquery
0, 1
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